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It ain’t how hard you hit
Its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward

Journey to Success!

Meet Kim Kempf. Ms. Kempf has been with PBC for a year and has had an amazing journey. Losing over 76lbs. She is an example of hard work, dedication, and consistency.

Great job Kim! 

Hard Hitters

K.O. ARTISTS OF THE YEAR! These are our hard hitters, people! They both tied for the most KNOCKOUTS THIS YEAR!!! CHRIS BAGGETT and SATIA iGODDESS SPIVEY!!!


Silver Gloves

Pearl Boxing Club’s own Kashun “Big Baby” Davis was ranked in the top 5 of the Junior Men’s Heavyweight division. He then went to compete in The Silver Gloves National tournament in Independence, MO 
